Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Loons Hamburger Paragraph 2

The diction in The Loons is used to illustrate status. Both the author and the characters speak with a diction demonstrating their point of view, and how they see others in regard to social position. The contrast in language between the first person narrator, Vanessa, and Piquette, another main character in the story, is pronounced. For example, Vanessa automatically sees Piquette as a “half-breed”.  Piquette’s choice of words reflects her gaps in education over the years. Later in the story, Piquette marries a white man, in her words “a handsome English fella”, while Vanessa would see him only as a commoner. The language used in The Loons shows the distinction between Vanessa and Piquette, in multiple ways. 

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