Tuesday, February 8, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapters 1-8: Hamburger Paragraph 1

Through chapters one to eight of the novel, Boo Radley is an enigma to the town of Maycomb. The reader knows nothing of Boo’s perspective on society, but knows much about the society’s perspective on Boo. Boo is always seen as a mysterious, inexplicable character, and the only understanding of him comes from the town gossips. His unexplained nature draws curiosity and inquiry from the children of Maycomb, who are determined to discover his character. The peculiar gifts found in the tree trunk by Jem and Scout can be assumed to be from Boo Radley. In this way, though he does not directly come into contact with any of the children until chapter eight, he builds an unofficial relationship with them.

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