Wednesday, February 23, 2011

To Kill a Mockingbird: Chapters 9-12: Representation

The focus of chapters 15-20 is the trial of black man accused of rape. In this section of the novel, the contrast between the black and white people is evident. This picture is a metaphoric representation of the black and white in all of us. In the image you cannot see whether the man is black or white, representing the meaninglessness of skin colour vs. what is inside.

1 comment:

  1. Peer Assessing Blogs

    The writing of this blog post is clear and is able to convey what is happening in the book with many perspectives coming together in there paragraph in a interesting and flowing manner. Further more the writing is done in correct hamburger structure.

    The writer refers back to the book during there writing, and provides us with a page number as well in one of the paragraphs.

    The writer does not use any quotes but should real think about doing so in further writing. It will help the reader to get a greater sense of what is happening in the book and how the writer of the book wanted it to come across. Quotes will enhance the writer’s work.

    The writer does a really good job in mentioning signifant events and relating it to there work. They are able to join the events in with their personal understanding of the characters and book.

    The writer connects to the major events in the book and in there writing they take it to a personal level and describe why things are happening and what they might mean.

    All the webs have been completed.

    The representation is very provoking personally I really like the image it fit very well with the book “To Kill A Mocking bird”. The explanation of why the image was chosen by the writer is well done I real liked the sentence structure and the thought behind the last two sentences.

    The writer is doing excellent job and should continue to write as well as they currently are. There blog was an absolutely wonderful read.
