Friday, April 22, 2011

Obasan Chapters 1-13: Character Sketch

Character Sketch: Aunt Emily

Opinions, Actions and Motives
- Energetic
- Strong-willed
- Comfortable voicing opinion → “Talking to Aunt Emily was quite like a minefield, I never knew when she would explode” (Kogawa 36)
- "Wherever the words "Japanese race" appeared, Aunt Emily had crossed them out and written "Canadian citizen"." (Kogawa 34)
- Wants to accept and understand past → contrast to Naomi and Obasan
- “She’s one of the world’s white blood cells, rushing from trouble spot to trouble spot” (Kogawa 35)
- “For her, injustice done to us in the past was still a live issue” (Kogawa 35)

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